Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Oh What a Wonderful Wednesday!

It's my opinion that your first sip of coffee can tell you what your day is going to be like. When I took my first sip of coffee today I discovered it was the perfect temperature (hot enough to warm every part of you without burning your tongue) and I reached the best coffee to creamer ratio (where you taste every flavor of the coffee, without the bitterness at the end), which I took as a very good omen. Sure enough today has just been one of those wonderful days! My hair behaved, I got complements on my outfit, my friend surprised me at class with coffee and the sun has been out in full force with the temperature reaching the mid 40's (warm for Pullman during this time of the year)!
It's so great to have a day that reminds you to stop and take in the beauty that surrounds us. Even though my schedule is hectic (18 credits, working part time in retail and as a part time intern at the courthouse) I try and  make time for some fun in my life. I'm going out to dinner with a friend before we go see a guest speaker at our University tonight, dinner with all my co workers tomorrow and celebrating my good friends birthday this weekend!
I know there will be days when I spill my coffee before I even get a sip, its rainy and gross and I feel grumpy and down, but on those days I'm going to try my best to remember the days like today.
I hope everyone is having an absolutely fabulous day!
And if your not, just know that tomorrow will be better.

Life is so much more fun when you focus on the positives and enjoy the little things like the sun on your face and a good cup of coffee.

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