Friday, January 4, 2013

DYI Jewelry Holder

I went to a rummage sale last summer and got some frames made out of branches, lace and these adorable old kerosene lamps, all for $7! Using Pinterest as my inspiration I staple gunned the lace to the backs of on of the frames to make an earring holder. Then I broke on of the frames in half (diagonally) and nailed it to my wall for a necklace holder. The wooden box is handmade (even the glasswork) by my Mom's Uncle and my longer necklaces and bracelets. The artwork on the wall is one of my Grandpa's projects he made in college (he studied architecture and interior design) and I just love it. I added the three kerosene lamps (which still work by the way!) and now I have a new little area for my jewelry!


  1. Love this! The necklace holder is such a great idea! (so is the earring one, but the necklace one blows my mind...I don't even understand how it's staying on the wall, but it looks SO good!) haha.

    1. Thank you!!!
      After trying a couple different things I ended up just nailing right into my wall! Which means I have more holes I'm going to have to fill when I move out of my apartment, but I think it's worth it.
